* AD industry: large format billboard, street banner, wall AD, light box, bus shelter, subway advertisements, light box, X banners, marketplace advertisement, roadside advertisement etc.
* Safety area: vehicle marking, bumper stickers, vehicle conspicuity marking tape, traffic signage, reflective crashworthy barrel, temporary work signs, industrial safety sign, fence AD etc.
* Interior & exterior signs.
* Window (glass wall) advertising.
* Temporary promotional and point of sale advertising
* Vehicle advertising/graphics
* Exhibition graphics
Signs that require cleaning should be flushed with water, then washed with a detergent solution and bristle brush or sponge. Avoid pressure that may damage the sign face. Flush with water following washing. Do not use solvents to clean signs.
Store in a cool, dry area and use within one year after date of receipt. Store rolls in original shipping carton or suspend horizontally from a rod or pipe through the core. Store sheets flat. Store color printed, pre-masked markings at a temperature below 29.5°C (85 °F). If stored above this temperature, blocking of the premask to the sheeting could occur.
Shelf Life
Unprinted sheet may be stored by the fabricator for a period of up to one year and after printing, markings may be stored for an additional period of up to six months. Sheeting and markings must be stored in a clean area, free from excessive moisture and direct sunlight, with ambient temperatures of 85 Fahrenheit or less.
General Performance Considerations
The performance and durability of Reflective Sheeting will depend upon a number of factors including (but not limited to): Selection, preparation and temperature of the substrate
Application procedures
Geographic area
Exposure and atmospheric conditions (e.g. snow, frost)
Correct combination of sheeting, ink and overlay film
Ink formulation
Ink drying/curing methods
Cleaning and maintenance method