Fixed permanent long reflective durable traffic signs, temporary traffic control devices, rigid work zone devices, barricade, delineators, vehicle reflective bumper tape, hazard obstacle warning marker, traffic calming schemes and other types of safety devices requiring high visibility, legibility and durability.
YillumaxTM Super Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting EP7920 Series may be processed into traffic signs by any of the imaging methods described below. Customers should test each application before mass production.
1- Screen Processing
2- Ink Jet Printing
3- Electronic Cuttable Overlay Film
4- Applied Cut-Out Copy
YillumaxTM Super Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting EP7920 Series may be cut into letters and shapes of at least 3 inches in height and stroke widths of at least 1/2 inch. Smaller sizes are not recommended. Sealing cut edges of YillumaxTM Reflective Material Super Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting EP7920 Series is NOT required.
Plotter Cutting
Programmable knife cut (electronic cutting)
1. Flatbed plotters can either die cut or kiss cut and offer the most consistent reliable performance.
2. Friction Fed plotter. Kiss cut only. Success has been achieved using plotters that have 600 grams of down force and a 60° cutting blade. Additional drive wheels may need to be added to improve tracking. An alternative procedure is to cut sheeting from the liner side. Blade force and knife depth must be set to score but not cut through the top film. Break apart individual copy or apply premask to retain spacing.
3. Other Cutting Methods
YillumaxTM Reflective Material Super Engineering Grade Prismatic Reflective Sheeting EP7920 Series may be hand cut or die cut one sheet at a time, and band sawed or guillotined in stacks. Cutting equipment such as guillotines and metal shears, which have pressure plates on the sheeting when cutting, may damage the optics. Padding the pressure plate and easing it down onto the sheets being cut will significantly reduce damage. Maximum stack height for cutting reflective sheeting is 1 ½ inch or 50 sheets.